Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I Wanna Do A Giveaway!!!

Imagine me stomping my feet and throwing a tantrum that would make a four year old proud! That's kinda how I feel right now. I really want to make this a great CDing blog, and I want to help other new CDing mommies that are finding themselves in the same boat I'm in...they really want to try CDing, but they aren't sure what diapers they might like and they aren't sure or don't have a good place to buy them...and they don't have the money to buy a bunch of them either.

 While cloth diapering saves a ton in the long run, starting up can be pretty costly, especially if you want to try several different brands and types of cloth diaper. I know that I enter every last giveaway I can in hopes that I will win a new brand to try out on my son, (haven't won any yet, but I've still got everything crossed!) and I would love to be able to give that opportunity to other mommies through my blog! (Not to mention that having some companies ask me to review their diapers might help me expand my collection as well.)

If anyone has any advice on how to get started doing reviews and giveaways, please give a fellow blogger a tip! I'm going nuts with the desire to share cloth diapers with more and more people! (This cloth diapering thing is really addictive, in case anyone was wondering.) 

So far cloth diapering with my son has been great! We still don't have many, but the kinds we do have are all generic, one size pocket diapers and I love them! I love the fact that they are so easy to put on and take off and wash and I love knowing that I'll be able to put these up and diaper my next child with them from day one! There aren't many things that you can say your child will wear the same ones from birth to potty training and then you will be able to use them on your next child as well! 

I have 3 more in the mail, at least they are supposed to be, and I am eagerly checking the mail box every day. Sometimes several times a day. I cant wait until our next pay check, because we're going to get some more at that time. I'm really looking forward to it! Hopefully I'll have some more pictures to share soon, because my Bubba is certainly adorable with his little cloth booty!

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